Just a reminder you can subscribe to my daily video that comes every morning with information that is not a day late like this. For Wednesday trading that was particularly relevant because I ended up doing some different things than I wrote about in this space last time. First  I am long October 96 TLT calls at $2.45. TLT is the long term bond ETF chart attached. The TLT has broken out and I think it is capable of expanding ranges as we go. I am also long AMD July 19 155 call and short AMD June 20 call at $5.20. Finally long C August 16 60 put and short June 28 60 put at $1.25.

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The latter two are calendar debit spreads. In both cases I thought the spread was attractive as the short term close expiry calls commanded hefty time premiums for the rapidly deteriorating time premium on the option. Sometimes success is just about setting up the right spread more than getting direction exactly right. These spreads can move a bit in either direction just not big moves in either direction for me to profit by the short dated expiry. And they give plenty of flexibility for writing against the long dated option again. Every time I write against the long dated I pull money off the table reducing my net cost on the long dated option. All of the positions were moving my way by Wednesday close. Lastly short Shopify at 67.60 via the puts. With the holiday shortened week I am betting on the moves being contained.    

