Chris Verhaegh

Gaps – How They Fill

Gaps – How They Fill

by Chris Verhaegh What do I mean by a gap?  Below is a great chart that shows gaps and how they fill.  Notice how the price “gaps” down between Sept 10 and Sept 11.  Then, only a few days later, the price reverted back and “filled” the gap.  Meaning the price came...

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Quit Trading SPY Options!

Quit Trading SPY Options!

Below is an intraday Chart of SPY for Friday, August 30.The chart is set to Mountain Time as I live in Boise, Idaho. The Market opens here at 7:30 AM and closes at 2 PM. While I consider this the best trading hours in the country (not too early with so much of the day...

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Bollinger Bands

Bollinger Bands

by Chris Verhaegh Bollinger Bands consist of upper and lower envelopes that surround the stock price on a chart.  They are generally plotted as two standard deviations away from a 20 period simple moving average.  This is the primary difference between...

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The Market Maker’s Hedge

The Market Maker’s Hedge

by Chris Verhaegh Market Maker’s use this knowledge to their advantage through a formula I call the “Market Maker’s Hedge”. Let’s say we have a stock priced at $100. The $100 Call is priced at $2/$3 Bid/Ask and the $100 Put is priced at $2/$3. Let’s assume the Market...

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Stock Elimination

Stock Elimination

by Chris Verhaegh The entire PULSE System is based on math.  The math centers around but is not limited to option pricing and the “Greeks”.  We add historical precedence to map out a game plan.  We try to make low risk – high reward trades in an effort...

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Options History

Options History

From Chris Verhaegh Let’s take a look at a brief history of options. This is kind of an exciting thing for me to write about. When I began my trading career, only a handful of stocks offered options, with only a smaller handful of strike prices and expirations. The...

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