With Cash Settling Options, you don’t have to Sell to Close (STC), a position that you Bought to Open (BTO).
I bought one position today. One hour and 45 minutes before the close, I purchased the following Asymmetrical Put Butterfly Spread for a net debit of $3.55. That’s $355 for the one contract.

I took this position all the way through the End of the Day. SPX closed the day at $5520.07. I was seven cents away from perfection.

Both the $5515 and $5520 Puts expired worthless. But my $5530 Put CashSettled for $9.93. That’s $993 per contract. My Profit is $638. My investment grew 279%.
Not bad for less than two hours. More importantly, this would have been impossible with SPY Options. With a SPY Butterfly Spread, a trader would had to have closed the Upper Wing and the Body of the Butterfly. They would have to have done this sometime before the Market Closed.
Not with Cash Settling SPX Options!
Thanks and Good Trading,
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