In our last update last year we had selective shorts out. Here are the stocks, the price recommended to short, and in brackets Tuesday’s close price. Starbux 98.00 (93.70). Tesla 252.50 (248.30). ARKK Innovation ETF 52.50 (50.50). Cisco 50.55 (50.55).

All winners thus far. Be careful with the Tesla option because time value is large, and it erodes every day. The Starbux is great, the CISCO I just put on, and the ARKK is also paying.

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For those that receive the daily video I said last Thursday that I thought it may well be at the top in the broad averages. I expected a minimum 200 SPX point decline and possibly a lot more. So somewhere under 4600 in SPX as an initial target.

I see bounce day on Wednesday, so that makes it a better day to take profits then to chase shorts. If not already short then just be patient. 

