There are a few dents in the market’s armor as we are coming into a new short week. Notably among the big boys Apple and Tesla look weak. Tesla I believe is the more shortable here for a decline into the end of the month. Apple has been the markets underpinning for so long, that more weakness there in my view would lead to a larger overall decline. A couple others on my list are Nike and Paypal. The PYPL chart is attached.

As long as it doesn’t regain that channel in any meaningful way …. it could pop back in, but not stay in there…. then short is the correct position on PYPL. I have no position on anything of the above yet, but that’s where I am looking to see how things unfold on Tuesday. Still have the long MARA diagonal bull spread recommended when the stock was $18 (now $28). Let me add, that because I haven’t had a loss for quite a while, don’t start going hog wild on any of my recs. When you’re hot you still need to be self aware that the market can do absolutely anything, and if you get over confident or reckless it will punish you.
PS-Next week I am going to be presenting at Metastock’s Online Trading Summit. Nothing but good news about this event. It’s free and you’ll get to see 42 other great presenters all from your desk. Sign up here.
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