Last week I gave IBM under 169 as a buy and it hit above 178 today, fulfilling its promise admirably. Ditto with Newmont from the 40.50 to above 43.00 today. TLT put in a good day, reiterating very,very positive on this long term bond ETF and I am long the calls for October and beyond. After the outside reversal week in NIKE last week, this is the top of my watch list. If and when I pull the trigger will let you know. Same sentiment in TESLA and VISA.

TESLA chart attached which shows a coiling action which I expect will come up the top side. To reiterate yesterday’s caution the market isn’t hedged here very much here and that is sometimes (not all the time) associated with market pullbacks. Would welcome that to see how my “watch list” stocks perform in a corrective environment. Only positions right now are TLT and the Citigroup calendar spread,
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