Let’s start the week out by looking at trade examples in the SPY. We’ll take a look at what is going on this morning, a great indicator that is effective in this situation, and why the SPY is an excellent choice for trading options. At the bottom of this email, I even include an update on a previous example.

SPY, or the SPDR S&P 500 trust was one of the first exchange traded funds and is also one of the most traded ETFs. That volume makes it ideal for great trades. SPY tracks the S&P and makes it possible for individual traders to trade moves in the entire index.

Look at what the S&P did on Friday to help us get an idea of what to expect from the SPY this week. The image below is Friday’s price activity.

This chart image is courtesy of FINVIZ.com a free website and gives a quick view of each day’s movement.  Understanding the direction, the S&P was moving on the previous trading day is a great place to start.

SPY is one of the best tools to trade for success. It’s the ETF that tracks the S&P and it can produce some of the most lucrative trades in the market, if you know how to spot them. Get the key to recognizing these moves here…

Next, let’s look at chart that includes the Percentage Price Oscillator or PPO indicator. We are specifically looking at the lines in the PPO to cross but you can get more information about this indicator here.

The PPO has crossed up. If Monday is positive, you could consider calls.

Potential SPY trade:

In this example, if the price continues to rise you could consider a call trade if it moves above 456. The short-term target is 466.

Here’s Why an Option Offers A Big Potential Payout

The stock price in this example is $455.30. If price went to $466 you would make about $10.70.

If you were trading options and selected a 456 Call option strike, you would pay a premium of around $4.64 for the Dec 15th expiration, or $464 for the 100-share option contract.  If the stock price moves to 466 the premium is apt to go up about $5.00.  Your premium of $464 plus $500= $964. That is a profit of 108% over a short period of time.

Remember, you can take profit anywhere along the line, you don’t have to wait for the expiration date to sell.  It is often wise to take profit when it is earned, especially in a volatile market.

Stay positive and know you can do this.  Knowing creates positive results! A part of the abundance process is letting go of anything negative, which creates space to receive.

I wish you the very best,


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Previous Trades:

Last week we discussed buying SPY Dec 15th 451 calls. The premium on 11-20 was $6.89 and you could have sold on 11-22 for $8.65, a 25% profit.