We definitely focus on more short term plays in our regular articles but we also need to consider how to balance out our investments and make sure we don’t have all of our eggs in one basket. In addition to looking for income trades it is a good idea to have assets in a longer term strategy that will even out the bumps and swings of the shorter term trades.

A strategy to consider is using dividend ETFs to stabilize things a bit. These ETFs use dividend stocks to add additional value to your investment. Consider something like VIG to put a piece of your portfolio in:

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Each of the “D” icons is when dividends were paid. That additional boost is what can help make this a smart part of your approach.

Managing risk and looking for ways to dial your trading in to the current market conditions is what can make the difference between success and failure. If you are looking for other ways to build out a solid investing strategy, check out Don Fishback’s Quick Start Guide here. He lays out how to get up to speed quicker and use a formula that puts the ODDS of each trade in your favor.

Keep learning and trade wisely,

John Boyer


Market Wealth Daily