We are watching the markets continue to show upward strength but the warnings of a potential correction are starting to pop up. The boost from infrastructure optimism is keeping the Dow up in over bought levels and it is a reminder to have a solid exit strategy in place while we keep grabbing the wins.

The NASDAQ has backed down a bit and it has highlighted a great set up in some of the stocks that have taken the hardest hit. Ian Cooper calls it a “refill” and it can be very lucrative when it plays out.

He walked through some great examples in a quick video chat we had. Take a look below and see for yourself.

If you are looking for other great ways to exploit the endless news cycle and how it creates powerful trading opportunities through herd mentality, definitely grab Ian’s Trigger Point Trade Alerts. You get his alerts as well as the guide he wrote to understand all of the pieces that make it work.

Keep learning and trade wisely,

John Boyer


Market Wealth Daily