You may have missed it but China put its finger on the scale yesterday and tons of money flowed into the Asian market. When the news feeds are overflowing with big issues like war, natural disasters, elections–it can be easy to miss the key market events that set up potentially lucrative trades.

Keith Harwood has really mastered weeding through market noise to get below the buzz to the meaty trades. This big influx of Chinese capital will push key sectors up quickly and Keith walked us through which will see the biggest benefit. take a look at this quick video where he spells it out:

When you know these key setups, spotting the lucrative Outlier trades gets crazy easy. Click here for your Outlier Roadmap.

Even better, he spotted one stock that is positioned to be the big winner. His readers get these alerts with just a click when they sign up for his Outlier Watchlist. get on that list today so you don’t miss great set ups like this one.

Keep learning and trade wisely,

John Boyer


Market Wealth Daily